Minister of Textile, Smriti Irani attended the India Textile Exhibition held at Gandhinagar, Gujarat. She attended press meeting in the premises. She said,” India has never hosted the entire textile value chain as a mega trade fair or conferences all under one roof. When we began, there was a perception that we will get representations and buying houses from just around 25 countries. That has swelled to 100 countries. Our target was around 1,000 foreign delegates. We have crossed 1,800, inching towards 2,000. We now have 15,000 representatives from across the country, 26 round tables and 17 ministries participating. So something which began small has grown so large” When she was questioned about her future plans for 2019 elections, then she countered media saying, “This textile exhibition will end on July 2nd, when I am not even sure where I will be after day the end of this fair then how would I tell you about my plans ahead 2019.”
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