White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is leading a search for his own replacement on the briefing room podium in order to secure a different role inside the West Wing, a media report said.Last week, Spicer and White House chief of staff Reince Priebus reached out to Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham about the role of Press Secretary and Daily Mail editor David Martosko about the role of communications director, a White House official with knowledge of the development told Politico news on Monday.Spicer and Priebus have had preliminary discussions with Ingraham, and Martosko met with chief strategist Steve Bannon last week, according to the official.Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle, who was considered for Press Secretary during the transition, is not interested in the position.The search for new members of the White House communications team comes after Communications Director Mike Dubke resigned last month, and Spicer once again took on dual roles as the White House faces numerous scandals, including the deepening Russia probes, Politico news reported.Meanwhile, White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed on Monday that interviews are underway for new members of the communications team."We have sought input from many people as we look to expand our communications operation," Sanders said, and added, "As he did in the beginning, Sean Spicer is managing both the communications and press office."Spicer's time at the White House briefing room podium has decreased amid rumours that he would soon transition to a different role, with some suggesting the President was unhappy with Spicer's performance in the public-facing role, reports CNN.


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